Keeping your team safe is a big responsibility.

That's why we make it simple with Pick Protection's lone worker solutions.

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What is a lone worker?

A lone worker is someone who performs their job tasks in isolation from colleagues or supervisors. From retail and healthcare to construction and field services, their work can take place in an office or outdoor environment. They may interact with the public or operate in potentially hazardous situations without immediate support.

How can Pick Protection help?

Pick Protection’s effective lone worker solutions combine technology, training and robust processes

Lone Worker Solutions

Tools like our PG Smart App and dedicated Pick Protection devices allow workers to quickly signal for help in emergencies.

Monitoring Solutions

Our dedicated Alarm Receiving Centres (ARCs) provide 24/7 support, ensuring that alerts are responded to promptly and escalated appropriately. 

Clear Policies

Employers must establish clear protocols for lone working, including regular check-ins, risk assessments and contingency plans.

Timing and Awareness

Educating staff on risk assessment, emergency procedures, and the use of safety equipment to prepare for challenging situations.

The tech to protect your team

The PG Smart App boasts a simple interface, meaning your team can be trained to use it in as little as 10 minutes. Made to pair with our app, the PG Click is a double click Bluetooth device ideally suited to employees who need to be able to discreetly raise an SOS.

For lone workers out in areas of very low coverage, the PG X offers two-way texting capability when in sight of a satellite. Standalone lone worker devices like our PG Pebble may be appropriate when workers can't use their smartphone, or if a dedicated lone worker device is required.

Features to keep your lone workers safe

SOS Alarm

Holding the alarm button for two seconds immediately connects to an operator, with two way audio and GPS.

Pre - Alert

Workers can make a note for operators or named contacts to let them know of any concerns they might have.

Time at Risk

Setting a time limit to a situation, such as a challenging visit, automatically triggers an SOS if that time lapses.

Fall Detection

Our algorithim picks up a fall, sending an SOS alarm automatically if someone becomes incapacitated.

Robust Connectivity

By connecting to any available network, users will be able to send an SOS or other event even when very limited data connections are available.

GEO - Fencing

Users can set a home location, which means a Time at Risk escalation won’t be triggered when in this designated safe area.

Our lone worker solutions in action

SOS Alarm

Whether an employee has our PG Click, connected SOS trigger, or RPG smart application, SOS alarms can be raised easily in the event of an emergency, 24/7.

Time at Risk

Time at risk is just one of Pick Protection's proactive safety features that monitors your lone workers and helps to ensure their safety.

Fall Detection

Fall detection is a safety feature which supports employees in high-risk situations, enabling them to raise an alarm when they're in danger, even if they're unconscious.

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