24 March 2020
Imagine a super-efficient lone worker monitoring system which saves 50% on costs and increases staff protection. It needn’t be a dream.
Every Council in the UK is striving to achieve digital transformation goals while trying to adapt to ever-decreasing budgets. Making operations more efficient without compromising on service is a constant challenge.
The solution?
The miracle solution includes lone worker apps and devices that can be connected to an online portal and monitored 24/7 by an existing in-house security centre such as a CCTV centre, care call centre or risk management centre.
The Council’s own centre is well placed to monitor staff safely with the added advantage of excellent local connections to emergency services and intuitive knowledge of the types of risks employees are likely to face.
As a starting point, the first thing to establish is the Council’s capacity to monitor lone workers. You may find that the existing centre already does this via dial in systems or radios. However, these out of date systems tend to have extremely low adoption rates and fall short on technological aspects such as providing the worker’s location in an emergency.
By linking the Council’s existing centre to lone worker apps and/or devices with the latest technology, you can save on cost and increase operational efficiency – win, win.
We can help you do it all!
We can also offer you a temporary outsourced monitoring service to allow a transition period towards working with your own control centre.
To find out more about lone worker protection, how we can cut your costs and streamline your security, call us on 0141 229 0048 or email info@pickprotection.com.