by Alice Bowerman | Monday, 23, January, 2023 | Insights, Local Authority, Lone Working
When we speak to our Local Authority customers, the team members they are most concerned about vary. For some, it’s the employee they have working in a remote area of the countryside repairing a broken flagstone path. For others, it’s the councillor going to meet...
by Alice Bowerman | Tuesday, 13, December, 2022 | Health, Insights
As the temperature drops, the Health and Safety Executive have simplified guidelines to make it easier to understand the requirements, and risks. Under their basic guidance around how temperature factors into working conditions, the HSE offer insight into commonly...
by Alice Bowerman | Monday, 12, December, 2022 | Featured, Insights, Lone Working, News
The footage from Christmas Eve 2021 shows the type of risks Father Christmas faces when doing the rounds, and how Pick Protection’s PG Smart App provides support. Setting a Time at Risk for 24 hours, Father Christmas sets off on a gruelling delivery shift that takes...
by Alice Bowerman | Wednesday, 23, November, 2022 | Insights, Tips
This year, the annual Black Friday flurry coincides with a cost of living crisis that is putting many under financial strain. And it’s retail staff, who often feel the brunt of this. They are the ones who will face customers used to firing a complaint about long waits...
by Pick Protection | Wednesday, 22, September, 2021 | Insights, Lone Working, News
Lone working in the UK has increased significantly over the last decade. But while the number of lone workers has increased over the years, there has been a lack of formal research into the size and shape of lone working in the UK to this point. In Summer 2021 Pick...