“Pick Protection are very knowledgeable and a joy to work with – they’re definitely going on the nice list again for 2022.”
– Mr F. Christmas, CEO and delivery driver
Providing round the clock support for delivery service
Established in an unknown year, Jingle Logistics delivers packages around the globe in a very short space of time. The company has one key lone worker who works in delivery, as well as other at-risk employees in their factory.
We hear from the lone worker, Mr F. Christmas, on how the features offer reassurance on a busy schedule:
“I’d previously been relying on an outdated buddy system to check in from my Christmas Eve delivery, but 24 hours is a long time to be working on your own. I chose the self-monitored system and the PG Smart App as a safety device, as we have our own security centre back at Jingle HQ.
I always hope that I won’t have to use the features, but I face a lot of hazards on my delivery route. I’ve fallen off the sleigh more times than I can count, but luckily I wasn’t hurt, so I cancelled the fall detection alarm before an SOS was raised.
There have been a few hairy encounters with large dogs and a rather embarrassing situation where I got myself stuck in a chimney which warranted an SOS call.
Transatlantic weather fronts make for very poor visibility, even with Rudolph leading the way, so I always send a pre-alert to the PG Cloud in case of a mid-air collision.
My delivery takes longer than 24 hours without incident, including rest breaks for me and my deer. By setting a Time at Risk before I set off, I can be confident that an alarm will be raised if I’m unable to do so myself. Sometimes there will be a couple of little delays – like when I got caught up in a crowd of revellers wanting to take selfies – so I just extend that time of risk.
Pick Protection have offered lots of support as I got started, and I’m very confident in using the app. I just needed to get those gloves that still let you use your phone. My team love the PG Cloud, as they can be assured that wherever I’m up to in my delivery, they can check in and make sure I’m ok.
Pick Protection are very knowledgeable and a joy to work with – they’re definitely going on the nice list again for 2022.”