by Pick Protection | Thursday, 9, July, 2020 | Archive
Pick Protection 15 June 2020 Here is what employers should consider, as employees return to work. Before reopening offices First and foremost, update your risk assessment documentation. Have you identified all new risks posed to employees? This applies to the risks...
by Pick Protection | Thursday, 25, June, 2020 | Lone Working
Lone worker protection is an essential part of a health and safety strategy in any firm with staff who work alone. This blog post looks at how to implement it into your existing policies. A Health & Safety (H&S) strategy is likely to be included in an...
by Pick Protection | Thursday, 25, June, 2020 | Lone Working, Remote Working
A report on progress into the Suzy Lamplugh Trust’s new code suggests more still needs to be done to ensure the safety of agents and other lone property industry workers. Suzy Lamplugh, an agent in London, went missing during her normal working day in 1986, and was...
by Pick Protection | Thursday, 25, June, 2020 | Archive
Pick Protection 24 March 2020 Purchasing dedicated lone worker protection devices can be expensive, but more importantly, there’s little value for money when usage rates sit well below the 100% you need for full protection. It’s difficult to know what’s the best...